Have you faced challenges in winning grant awards, especially from USAID funding solicitations? There is now a tool called e-Procurement (ePro) that you need to reference in your approach to providing insights.
Uganda Evaluation Association invites you to learn from Mr. Kamau Lizwelich a, the developer of this innovative tool, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Thursday 31.10.2024. The talk is among the National Evaluation Talks that the association provides monthly.
To join the National Evaluation Talk, click the link below:*
Meeting ID: 986 4672 4299
Passcode: 280029
Why did FRESH Global create an E-Procurement (ePro) system?*
In 2011, Mr. Kamau Lizwelicha, FRESH Global (FG) Co-Founder, wanted to understand the Uganda procurement ecosystem. So, he had a team perform a vendor survey to understand their challenges related to USAID procurement from USAID projects.
The survey results confirmed the similarities he had seen in other countries where he worked. The factors were many, such as the limited funding for program support and implementing organizations (NGOs) and senior management not paying attention to the procurement system.
The results often led to higher prices, delays in implementation, not achieving the expected USAID results, audit findings, and, in some cases, no future USAID awards. More importantly, the project activity might not have benefited the intended population.
Therefore, FG wanted to address the challenges and find a solution as they knew it exist within the donor implementing partners (both international and local NGOs) and within the government systems.
Company website click below:
eProcurement System | FRESH Global
For additional background information, see Company Factsheet below:
FRESH Global Factsheet_2024_wop_US.pdf
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